Outgoing Port in ShowCockpit ("Input Port" in MA3)
Incoming Port
Incoming Port in ShowCockpit ("Output Port" in MA3)
Enable Element
Enable this element
Disable Element
Disable this element
Change Element Page
Changes the page on this element
Change Type: The change type - one of {Next, Previous, Go To}
Change to Page: Change to specific page, when Change Type is "Go To"
Refresh Element
Disable this element
Sequence Fader
Controls a sequence fader
Sequence Number: The number of the sequence
Fader Type: The sequence fader to control - one of {FaderMaster, FaderSpeed, FaderX, FaderXA, FaderXB, FaderTemp, FaderRate, FaderTime}
Sequence Button
Controls a sequence button
Sequence Number: The number of the sequence
Button Type: The sequence button to control - one of {>>>, <<<, Black, Flash, Go+, Go-, Goto, LearnSpeed, Load, On, Off, Pause, Rate1, Select, SelFix, Speed1, Swop, Time, Temp, Toggle, Top}