Enable Element
Enable this element
Disable Element
Disable this element
Change Element Page
Changes the page on this element
- Change Type: The change type - one of {Next, Previous, Go To}
- Change to Page: Change to specific page, when Change Type is "Go To"
Trigger Clip
Triggers a clip in a layer.
- Layer Number: Layer Number
- Clip Number: Clip Number
Select Layer Clip
Triggers a clip in a layer from a Selector input control.
- Layer Number: Layer Number
Trigger Column
Triggers a column.
- Column Number: The number of the column to trigger
Select Column
Selects a column using a Selector input control.
Trigger Deck
Triggers a deck.
- Deck Number: The number of the deck to trigger
Select Deck
Selects a deck using a Selector input control.
Clear Layer
Stops all running clips in a layer.
- Layer Number: Layer Number
Layer Next Clip
Triggers the next clip in a layer.
- Layer Number: Layer Number
Layer Previous Clip
Triggers the previous clip in a layer.
- Layer Number: Layer Number
Layer Dashboard Link
Controls a composition dashboard link
- Layer Number: Layer Number
- Link Number: Number of the link to connect to
Layer Master Level
Adjusts the opacity and volume of a layer.
- Layer Number: Layer Number
Layer Audio Volume
Adjusts the volume of a layer.
- Layer Number: Layer Number
Layer Video Opacity
Adjusts the opacity of a layer.
- Layer Number: Layer Number
Comp. Level
Fades the entire composition in or out.
Comp. AB XFader
Fader for composition A and B buses crossfade
Comp. AB XFade To
Crossfade to A or B bus
- Bus Selection: Bus - one of {A, B}
Comp. Deck Selection
Selects next or previous deck
- Deck Selection: The deck to select - one of {Next, Previous}
Comp. Stop All
Stop playing clips in all layers
Comp. Dashboard Link
Controls a composition dashboard link
- Link Number: Number of the link to connect to
BPM Fader
Sets the BPM Value
- Minimum BPM: Minimum BPM value
- Maximum BPM: Maximum BPM value
BPM Control
Controls the BPM
- BPM Control: Select what to control on BPM - one of {-, +, -|, |+, /2, *2, Tap, Resync, Pause}