Documentation - ShowCockpit

Show Control and Integration Made Easy

Driver Documentation for v4.11.2

This page contains documentation of the available drivers.

Utilities / ShowCockpit / LUA Script

Executes a LUA script

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Enable Element   Button LUA Script

Enable this element

Disable Element   Button LUA Script

Disable this element

Change Element Page   Button LUA Script

Changes the page on this element
  • Change Type: The change type - one of {Next, Previous, Go To}
  • Change to Page: Change to specific page, when Change Type is "Go To"

Execute Script   Button LUA Script

Executes the script
  • Pre-Execute: Script chunk to execute before executing the LUA script
  • Post-Execute: Script chunk to execute after executing the LUA script

SetVar Number   Button LUA Script

Sets a non-volatile number value on the key-value storage
  • Key: The key for storing the value
  • Value: The actual value to store

SetVar String   Button LUA Script

Sets a non-volatile string value on the key-value storage
  • Key: The key for storing the value
  • Value: The actual value to store

SetVar Boolean   Button LUA Script

Sets a non-volatile boolean value on the key-value storage
  • Key: The key for storing the value
  • Value: The actual value to store

ClearVar   Button LUA Script

Removes a key (and its value) from the non-volatile key-value storage
  • Key: The key for storing the value