Selects the current tab. When connected to a Selector control, it jumps directly to the corresponding tab. When using a Button control, uses the configured parameters (jump to a certain name or index)
Selection: Desired way to select selection - one of {Coordinates, Up, Down, Left, Right, Current Cell}
Column: Cell column to select (only used when Selection = Coordinates)
Row: Cell row to select (only used when Selection = Coordinates)
Action: Action to take on the grid cell - one of {Focus Only, Start, Toggle, Restart, Stop}
Disable Laser Output
Disables the Laser Output.
Enable Laser Output
Controls the Master Brightness.
Behaviour: Desired state for the laser output - one of {Flash, Enable, Disable}
Master Pause
Controls the Master Pause
Behaviour: Desired state for the master pause - one of {Flash, Pause, Unpause}
Page Selector
Selects the current tab. When connected to a Selector control, it jumps directly to the corresponding tab. When using a Button control, uses the configured parameters (jump to a certain name or index)
Jump To: Desired way to change tabs - one of {Name, Number, Next, Previous}
Page Name: Page name to change to
Page Number: Page number to change to
Category Selector
Selects the current Category. When connected to a Selector control, it jumps directly to the corresponding Category. When using a Button control, uses the configured parameters (jump to a certain name or index)
Jump To: Desired way to change categories - one of {All, Name, Number, Next, Previous}